
For a quick recap of what to do if some one dies, here is a summary of procedures to be followed:
2:164 | Signs and clues are for people who use reason. |
18:22 | Do not argue with or inquire from a person who forms a theory or conjecture without firm evidence. |
18:23-24 | Be careful in making claims. |
18:28 | Do not be distracted by the adornments of this life. |
18:51 | Do not take misguiders or misleaders as assistants. |
18:54 | Do not be contentious, try to contemplate. |
20:65-66 | Don’t act in haste to make your move. |
20:70-72 | If truth makes your commander furious, he is a tyrant not a leader! Plan accordingly. |
20:131 | Stay focused and don’t be distracted by the strength of your rivals and their materialistic possessions. |
23:71 | The collapse and demolition of a functional system is inevitable when constitution or rule of law follows personal inclination or desires. |
61:3 | Do not say something which you cannot do. |
61:4 | Unity and organization are the key factors to win a battle. |
65:2 | God will create a way out in every difficult situation if you avoid violating his legislation. |
There is no place for sectarian divisions in Islam. Allah says:
” … Fear Him (Allah) and establish prayer and be not of those who associate others with Allah (or) of those who have divided their religion and became sects, each faction rejoicing in what it has” [Qur’an 30: 31,32]
“Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects – you, (Muhammad ﷺ), are not (associated) with them in anything. Their affair is only (left) to Allah; then He will inform them about what they used to do” [Qur’an 6:159] Continue reading Sectarian Divisions in Islam
Bid’ah is the arabic word for innovation. For the remainder of this article the word Bid’ah will be used instead of innovation since there are some specifics involved with this terminology.
The linguistic definition of bid’ah is “Something invented without having any prior example”. This is based upon its usage in the Qur’an where Allah says:
“Say: I am not a new thing amongst the Messengers” [Qur’an 46:9] Continue reading Bid’ah (Innovation) in Religion
In Islamic ideology, obeying the prophet is an obligation. This has been mentioned at many places in the Qur’an. Some references in this context are as under:
“We sent not any Messenger, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah.” [Qur’an 4:64]
“And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it).” [Qur’an 59:7] Continue reading Obeying The Prophet
Worship is the essence of mankind’s creation:
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” [Qur’an 51:56]
However worship in Islam is not limited to performing some established rituals only. In Islam the concept of worship revolve around the following:
“O You who believe! Fear Allah and find the means of approaching Him and strive in His cause that you may succeed.” [Qur’an 5:35]
The word used for “means of approaching Allah (God)” in the Qur’an is “Wasila”. Literally the word wasila means a tool, path, course, a means of access etc. whereas in this context it would mean the acts that would bring someone close to God. These acts are striving in Allah’s way (as mentioned in the above verse) and following His orders and doing good deeds (as mentioned below). The Prophet said: Continue reading Seeking Means to Approach Allah
According to the Islamic faith, invocation in all its forms is a manner of worship:
“And your Lord says, Call upon Me; I will respond to you. Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell in humiliation!” [Qur’an 40:60]
The Prophet said:
“Dua (invocation / supplication) is the core and essence of worship” [Recorded by Tirmidhi #3371]
The main prerequisite of Islamic monotheism for worshiping Allah is that He is worshiped alone:
“And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him…” [Qur’an 17:23] Continue reading Invocation is Worship
The concept of “One of God / Monotheism” is the most fundamental concept in the Islam. It holds that God (Allah) is One (Al-ʾAḥad) and Single (Al-Wāḥid). The Arabic word “Tawhid” is from “Wahdah”, which means “Oneness”, and is used for someone who is alone and distinguished in his entity and qualities. According to the Islamic concept of Tawhid, there is no one like God and neither is there anyone that shares with Him, anything, from His entity and qualities. Monotheism constitutes the foremost article of the Muslim profession. Continue reading Islamic Monotheism